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  1. Merci d'avoir pris la peine de répondre ^^ c'est gentil ! Je viens à l'instant de découvrir mon erreur, j'avais oublié un "cancel event"
  2. Bonjour, j'ai créé une boutique fonctionnelle, c'est-à-dire que tout fonctionne mais j'ai un problème... L'étoile "Boutique" est dupliquée dans mon inventaire: Je vous envoie mon skript ci-dessous. J'aimerai savoir et comprendre si cette dupli vient de skript ou non. Merci d'avance options: player: {__}'s current inventory on inventory click: if event-slot is nether star named "&aBoutique": wait 3 tick boutique(player) else if event-slot is player's skull named "&8> &6Profil": cancel event wait 3 tick player command "/profil" else if event-slot is gray stained glass pane named "": cancel event else if event-slot is iron ingot named "&9Mini-VIP": cancel event send "&9Mini-VIP" send "&aAchats et renseignements sur" else if event-slot is gold ingot named "&eVIP": cancel event send "&eVIP" send "&aAchats et renseignements sur" else if event-slot is emerald named "&aVIP+": cancel event send "&aVIP+" send "&aAchats et renseignements sur" command /boutique: trigger: boutique(player) function boutique(_: player): open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&3Boutique" to {__} set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of {__}'s current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "" set slot 31 of {@player} to {__}'s skull named "&8> &6Profil" set slot 21 of {@player} to iron ingot named "&9Mini-VIP" with lore "&fDurée: &3Toujours" and "" and "&a» &9Mini-VIP &9%{__}%" and "" and "&a» &fPseudo en &9Bleu" and "&a» &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente" and "&a» &f5 amis &c&oBientôt" and "" and "&fPrix: &31.99€ ou 500 LineCoins" set slot 22 of {@player} to gold ingot named "&eVIP" with lore "&fDurée: &3Toujours" and "" and "&a» &eVIP &e%{__}%" and "" and "&a» &fPseudo en &eJaune" and "&a» &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente" and "&a» &fAmélioration: &3Double-Jump au lobby" and "&a» &f10 amis &c&oBientôt" and "" and "&fPrix: &36.99€ ou 2000 LineCoins" set slot 23 of {@player} to emerald named "&aVIP+" with lore "&fDurée: &3Toujours" and "" and "&a» &aVIP+ &a%{__}%" and "" and "&a» &fPseudo en &aVert" and "&a» &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente" and "&a» &fAmélioration: &3Fly au lobby" and "&a» &f15 amis &c&oBientôt" and "" and "&fPrix: &311.99€ "
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