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  1. Version de Minecraft : 116.2 Version de Skript : 2.4 Addons utilisés: Pour celui là, aucun, peut etre tuske Type du skript : Faire un vehicule avec un cheval Description du script : Donc j'essaie de faire un véhicule avec un cheval, ce qui est déjà fait: - quand on clique sur un observer avec une clé, un cheval spawn et on est tp dessus - le cheval est déjà apprivoisé, n'a pas d'ia, ne peut pas jump, silencieux, pas de kb Ce que je voudrais: - Sauvegarder l'inventaire du joueur quand il monte sur le cheval pour le remplacer par un inventaire de "voiture" - Quand on sort du cheval, le kill et remettre l'inventaire du joueur en lui donnant sa clé - Nom du cheval custom - Pas de vol possible Code : command /kargive <text> [<text>]: permission: trigger: if arg-1 is "kar": give 1 horse spawn egg named "&c&l%arg-2%" with lore "&e&l%player%'s %arg-2%" to player send "&e&lYou received your &c&lKar&e&l, named : &c&l%arg-2%" to player if arg-1 is "pedal": give 1 iron trapdoor named "&7&lAccelerate" with lore "&7&lClick to accelerate" to player if arg-1 is "key": give 1 tripwire hook named "&e&lKar" with lore "&e&l%player%'s %arg-2%" to player on block place: if player is holding tripwire hook named "&e&lKar": cancel event on rightclick on a observer with a tripwire hook: cancel event if event-item is tripwire hook named "&e&lKar": spawn horse at player's location add "{Variant:0,NoAI:1b,PersistenceRequired:1b,Attributes:[{Name:""generic.knockbackResistance"",Base:1f},{Name:""generic.movementSpeed"",Base:0.5f},{Name:""horse.jumpStrength"",Base:0f}],Silent:1}" to last spawned entity's nbt tame last spawned horse to player equip last spawned horse with saddle make player ride last spawned horse on vehicle exit: send "yo" to player cancel event Merci
  2. Scaffus

    inactif ✖ Mystery Box

    Pour l'instant j'ai ça mais c'est null, les chances sont bizarres: on rightclick on ender chest with a tripwire hook: if name of event-item is "&e&lBox Key": cancel event open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lBox" to player format gui slot 13 of player with beacon named "&eYou received your item" chance of 15%: give 1 stone pickaxe named "&e&lHarvest Pickaxe 2" to player stop chance of 15%: give 1 stone axe named "&e&lHarvest Axe 2" to player stop chance of 15%: give 1 stone shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 2" to player stop chance of 10%: give 1 iron shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 3" to player stop chance of 10%: give 1 iron pickaxe named "&e&lHarvest Pickaxe 3" to player stop chance of 10%: give 1 iron axe named "&e&lHarvest Axe 3" to player chance of 5%: give 1 diamond shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 4" to player stop chance of 5%: give 1 diamond pickaxe named "&e&lHarvest Pickaxe 4" to player stop chance of 5%: give 1 diamond axe named "&e&lHarvest Axe 4" to player stop on leftclick on ender chest with a tripwire hook: if name of event-item is "&e&lBox Key": cancel event open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lBox chances" to player format gui slot 0 of player with stone pickaxe named "&e&lHarvest Pickaxe 2" with lore "&6&l15%%" format gui slot 1 of player with stone axe named "&e&lHarvest Axe 2" with lore "&6&l15%%" format gui slot 2 of player with stone shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 2" with lore "&6&l15%%" format gui slot 9 of player with iron pickaxe named "&e&lHarvest Pickaxe 3" with lore "&6&l10%%" format gui slot 10 of player with iron axe named "&e&lHarvest Axe 3" with lore "&6&l10%%" format gui slot 11 of player with iron shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 3" with lore "&6&l10%%" format gui slot 18 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&e&lHarvest Pickaxe 4" with lore "&6&l5%%" format gui slot 19 of player with diamond axe named "&e&lHarvest Axe 4" with lore "&6&l5%%" format gui slot 20 of player with diamond shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 4" with lore "&6&l5%%" command /boxgive <text>: permission: "" trigger: if arg-1 is "crate": give 1 ender chest named "&e&lBox" to player stop if arg-1 is "key": give 1 tripwire hook named "&e&lBox Key" to player
  3. Scaffus

    inactif ✖ Mystery Box

    Version de Minecraft : 1.16.2 Version de Skript : 2.4 Addons utilisés: Tuske Type du skript : Mystery box Description du script : Hey, donc je me demandai comment faire un skript pour une mystery box, mais étant novice, je ne sais pas du tout comment faire, j'ai cherché sur internet, rien trouvé de concluant, merci.
  4. Comment je cloture le sujet ?
  5. Je vais regarder la doc, merci de ton aide
  6. Merci ! et dans un rayon c'est possible ?
  7. En gros, je veux que le joueur ne puisse farm du sable qu'a un seul endroit c'est à dire au spawn et pas qu'il puisse farm à n'importe quel endroit où il y a du sable, merci
  8. Merci mais ce n'est pas ça le problème, il faut que le farming ne fonctionne qu'avec un seul block de sable (donner un nom ou les coordonnées d'où est le block), pas avec n'import lequel.
  9. Version de Minecraft : 1.16.2 Version de Skript : 2.4 Addons utilisés: Tuske Type du skript : Comparer le nom d'un item et celui d'un block dans le même if Description du script : Bonjour, J'ai trouvé sur ce forum un skript pour récolter du sable avec un chargement en faisant un clique droit avec une pelle, je l'ai un peux modifié, il faut que la pelle ait un certain nom, de ce côté la pas de problème, mais j'aimerai pouvoir faire en sorte qu'ils ne puissent que farm avec le block de sable du spawn et évité qu'ils, apès en avoir farmé un, posent le sable sur le plot et commencent à farmer seul. Merci à tout aide. Le code (fonctionnel mais manque le compare pour le block): on rightclick on sand with a shovel: if name of event-item is "&e&lHarvest Shovel 1": open chest with 1 row named "&9Harvesting..." to player wait 3 tick format gui slot 0 of player with red wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 1 of player with red wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 2 of player with red wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 3 of player with yellow wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 4 of player with yellow wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 5 of player with yellow wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 6 of player with green wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 7 of player with green wool wait 0.55 second format gui slot 8 of player with green wool wait 0.55 second close player's inventory wait 1 tick give 1 sand to player if name of event-item is "&e&lHarvest Shovel 2": open chest with 1 row named "&9Harvesting..." to player wait 3 tick format gui slot 0 of player with red wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 1 of player with red wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 2 of player with red wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 3 of player with yellow wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 4 of player with yellow wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 5 of player with yellow wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 6 of player with green wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 7 of player with green wool wait 0.45 second format gui slot 8 of player with green wool wait 0.45 second close player's inventory wait 1 tick give 1 sand to player if name of event-item is "&e&lHarvest Shovel 3": open chest with 1 row named "&9Harvesting..." to player wait 3 tick format gui slot 0 of player with red wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 1 of player with red wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 2 of player with red wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 3 of player with yellow wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 4 of player with yellow wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 5 of player with yellow wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 6 of player with green wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 7 of player with green wool wait 0.35 second format gui slot 8 of player with green wool wait 0.35 second close player's inventory wait 1 tick give 1 sand to player if name of event-item is "&e&lHarvest Shovel 4": open chest with 1 row named "&9Harvesting..." to player wait 3 tick format gui slot 0 of player with red wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 1 of player with red wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 2 of player with red wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 3 of player with yellow wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 4 of player with yellow wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 5 of player with yellow wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 6 of player with green wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 7 of player with green wool wait 0.25 second format gui slot 8 of player with green wool wait 0.25 second close player's inventory wait 1 tick give 1 sand to player if name of event-item is "&e&lHarvest Shovel 5": open chest with 1 row named "&9Harvesting..." to player wait 3 tick format gui slot 0 of player with red wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 1 of player with red wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 2 of player with red wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 3 of player with yellow wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 4 of player with yellow wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 5 of player with yellow wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 6 of player with green wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 7 of player with green wool wait 0.15 second format gui slot 8 of player with green wool wait 0.15 second close player's inventory wait 1 tick give 1 sand to player command /harvestshovel <number>: permission: "" trigger: if arg-1 is 1: give 1 wooden shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 1" to player else if arg-1 is 2: give 1 stone shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 2" to player else if arg-1 is 3: give 1 iron shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 3" to player else if arg-1 is 4: give 1 diamond shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 4" to player else if arg-1 is 5: give 1 netherite shovel named "&e&lHarvest Shovel 5" to player command /harvestsand: permission: "" permission message: &6[&4Error&6] You don't have the permission to use this command ! trigger: give 1 sand named "&e&lHarvest Sand"
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