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À propos de Mooving

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  1. Joyeux anniversaire :) PS: Je n'oublie pas les annif' ;)
  2. Mooving

    Uhc Run

    /worldborder set 1000 ce qui fait du 500*500
  3. Mooving


    Bonjour je voudrais un skript que quand on a moins de 10level on perd un demi coeurs tout les 30secondes donc avec que pour permission op /lvl enable/disable Et tout les 10 minutes on perd un level d et si on a 0 LEVEL on perd un demi coeurs tout les 30secondes /lvltime enable/disable MERCI ♥
  4. Mooving

    PvP-UHC Disable

    Sur pastbin?
  5. Mooving

    PvP-UHC Disable

    Bonjour j'ai un skript de Timer pour mes UHC mais le PvP est activée pouvez vous me le desactiver pendant un temps exemple 10 minutes merci options: servername: &e[Emerial]&r perms: skript.startuhc command /uhcstart <int> <int>: aliases: /start permission: {@perms} usage: /uhcstart <pvp time in minutes> <meetup time in minutes &l**AFTER PvP went off**&r> trigger: set {_w} to world of command sender broadcast "&c3!" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 1 second broadcast "&c2!" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 1 second broadcast "&c1!" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 1 second command "/freeze" loop all players: {spec::%loop-player%} is not set give 2 cooked beef to the loop-player broadcast "&cGO!" loop all players: command "/playsound random.pop %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1" wait 1 second command "/pvp global off" command "/time set day %{_w}%" loop all players: command "/playsound random.pop %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" loop 3 times: wait 1 second command sender command "/butcher" broadcast "&fButcher Finished!" wait 5 seconds broadcast "&fFinal Heal: &c3" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 1 second broadcast "&fFinal Heal: &c2" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 1 second broadcast "&fFinal Heal: &c1" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 1 second broadcast "&fFinal Heal Given!" loop all players: command "/playsound note.bass %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" heal the loop-player command "/timer %arg-1% %arg-2%" on death of player: {timer::running} is true command "/scoreboard players reset %tablist name of victim%" if attacker is not a player: command "/scoreboard players add &1P&fv&4E uhc 1" else if attacker is not set: command "/scoreboard players add &c&lPvE uhc 1" else: attacker is not victim command "/scoreboard players add %tablist name of attacker% uhc 1" set {_TeamNumber} to {Teams.InTeam::%victim%} delete {Teams.InTeam::%victim%} remove victim from {Team.%{_TeamNumber}%::*} command "/scoreboard teams leave %victim%" command "/whitelist remove %victim%" command "/xp -9999999999999l %victim%" set {ratetime::%victim%} to true send "{@servername} &fYou have 90 seconds to say goodbye! /rate <1-10> [<reason>] to rate the game!" to victim wait 90 seconds kick victim due to "&4&lGood Game! Better luck next time!" delete {rated::%victim%} delete {ratetime::%victim%} command /rate [<int>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {timer::running} is not set: send "This is a unknown command" stop else: send "&f/rate <1-10> [<reason>]" if {timer::running} is not set: send "This is a unknown command" stop if arg-1 is more than 10: send "&cYou cannot rate more than &410" stop else if arg-1 is less than 0: send "&cYou cannot rate less than &40" stop else if arg-1 is not set: send "&cYou must specify a rate!" stop if {rated::%command sender%} is true: send "&fYou &calready&f have &crated!" stop if {ratetime::%command sender%} is not set: send "&fYou haven't &cdied!" stop set {rated::%command sender%} to true loop all ops: send "&c%command sender%&f rated the game &c%arg-1%/10" to loop-player if arg-2 is set: send "&fReason:&c %arg-2%" to loop-player else: send "&fNo &cReason&f given!" send "&fThank you for your rating!" command /timer <int> <int>: usage: /timer <time till pvp> <time till mu after pvp> permission: {@perms} trigger: set {_w} to world of command sender command "/scoreboard objectives add uhc dummy &4&lUHC" command "/scoreboard players add &c&lPvP uhc" command "/scoreboard players add &a&lMeetup uhc" command "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar uhc" send "&fStarting timer!" set {timer::running} to true set {_pvptime} to arg-1 set {_mutime} to arg-1+arg-2 loop arg-1 times: {timer::running} is true command "/setmotd Game in Progress: &c&l%{_pvptime}%&8 minutes until &c&lPvP!" command "/scoreboard players set &c&lPvP uhc -%{_pvptime}%" command "/scoreboard players set &a&lMeetup uhc -%{_mutime}%" remove 1 from {_pvptime} remove 1 from {_mutime} wait 1 real minute {timer::running} is true command "/scoreboard players reset &c&lPvP" loop 3 times: broadcast "{@servername} PvP is on!" loop all players: command "/playsound random.explode %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 2 ticks command "/pvp global on" loop ({_mutime}) times: {timer::running} is true command "/setmotd Game in Progress::&a&l %{_mutime}%&8 minutes until &a&lMeetup!" command "/scoreboard players set &a&lMeetup uhc -%{_mutime}%" remove 1 from {_mutime} wait 1 real minute if {_mutime} is 15: command "/vote Permaday" {timer::running} is true command "/scoreboard players reset &a&lMeetup" command "/setmotd Game in Progress: &a&lMeetup&r is now!" loop 3 times: broadcast "{@servername} Meetup is NOW!" loop all players: command "/playsound random.explode %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" wait 2 ticks command /timerclear: permission: {@perms} trigger: delete {timer::running} send "&fTimer should be stopped within the next minute!" command "/playsound random.break %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1" command "/scoreboard objectives remove uhc"
  6. Mooving

    Crafts spawn

    J'ai tout ce quil me faut car j'ai tout code hier,mais me manque juste le TP aleatoire quand on craftr le bloc de diamant,et que le bloc ce consomme
  7. Mooving

    Crafts spawn

    Bonjour à tous,j'aurais envie d'un skript qui quand on craft quelque chose ex:bloc de diamant,le clear de l'inventaire et fais spawn quelque chose genre ghast a quelqu'un d'aleatoire merci Pour plus d'infos mon skype:moovingdeltafr
  8. Tu peux m'envoyer ta BossBarMessage?
  9. Je suis en vacances...
  10. Ok je paye 5 Ok, je paye un Skript UHC a 5euros car il me dit ça sera long ect 20mins après il avait déjà terminer,il a juste copier collé sont UHCRun et me faire payer 5euros tout est exactement pareil pour mon UHC
  11. Mooving

    [Skript] UHCRun - UHC Rapide

    Toi tu es payant x)
  12. Mooving

    Skript UHC

    Salut quelqu'un pourrais m'aide/faire un Skript UHC?Donc avec les commandes pour les spawns,pour generer le mur,pour les teams avec un Scoreboard merci
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