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Tout ce qui a été posté par Waggo

  1. Salut, rejoins-tu toujours des projets ?
  2. Pardon j'avais pas vue je suis tombé au hasards dessus
  3. Si ton serveur est sur ton pc tu peux utliser wamp serveur c'est un serveur web avec mysql et phpmyadmin intégré Et a ce moment la dans host tu mes localhost
  4. Merci j'en est enlever un et tous les skript marche
  5. J'ai enlevé la moitier des erreur sinon sa ne rentre pas dans le poste mais tous les skript ne marche pas
  6. [Contenu masqué] [Contenu masqué]
  7. Bonjour, Bug de skript je vous montre l'erreur Ceci ce passe au lancement du serveur et aucun skript ne marche Merci d'avance
  8. Waggo

    BUG Skript de menu

    RÉSOLUE !!! SOLUTION : [Contenu masqué]
  9. Peux t'on te contacter pour une aide ?
  10. Waggo

    BUG Skript de menu

    Il est installé et à jour Screen des plugin : [Contenu masqué]
  11. En dev de SHARDRPG
  12. Waggo

    BUG Skript de menu

    RÉSOLUE !!! SOLUTION : [Contenu masqué] Bonjour, J'ai un skript de menu avec la commande /menu le seul problème, le skript marche en local et sur mon vps non, omgserv non plus. Voici les code si quelqu'un à l'honneur de m'aider je le remercie devance :D Voici l'éreur dans la console [16:04:51] [server thread/ERROR]: [skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot 9 of player with 1 of book and quill named "&a&l?? &fJournal des Events &a&l??" with lore " || &f? &7Events Enregistr?s: &6%size of {f.fac.journal.%{_chunk}%::*}%|| &f? &7Accessible avec &f/f journal|| ||&7&oClique pour ouvrir le menu" to run [make player execute command "/f journal %{_chunk}% %player%"] (, line 287: format slot 9 of player with 1 of book and quill named "&a&l?? &fJournal des Events &a&l??" with lore " || &f? &7Events Enregistr?s: &6%size of {f.fac.journal.%{_chunk}%::*}%|| &f? &7Accessible avec &f/f journal|| ||&7&oClique pour ouvrir le menu" to run [make player execute command "/f journal %{_chunk}% %player%"]') [16:04:51] [server thread/ERROR]: [skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot 17 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&a&l?? &fT?l?portations &a&l??" with lore " || &f? &7Accessible avec &e/m|| ||&7&oClique pour ouvrir le menu" to close then run "menu %player%" (, line 288: format slot 17 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&a&l?? &fT?l?portations &a&l??" with lore " || &f? &7Accessible avec &e/m|| ||&7&oClique pour ouvrir le menu" to close then run "menu %player%"') [16:04:51] [server thread/ERROR]: [skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot 11 of player with 1 of paper named "&a&l?? &fInformations &a&l??" with lore " &f? &7Nom: &b%{_chunk}%|| &f? &7Camp: &8Noir|| &f? &7Quantit? de Chefs: &c%{_chef}%|| &f? &7Quantit? de Sous-chefs: &c%{_schef}%|| &f? &7Power: &d%{_power}% power" to be unstealable (, line 290: format slot 11 of player with 1 of paper named "&a&l?? &fInformations &a&l??" with lore " &f? &7Nom: &b%{_chunk}%|| &f? &7Camp: &8Noir|| &f? &7Quantit? de Chefs: &c%{_chef}%|| &f? &7Quantit? de Sous-chefs: &c%{_schef}%|| &f? &7Power: &d%{_power}% power" to be unstealable') [16:04:51] [server thread/ERROR]: [skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot 11 of player with 1 of paper named "&a&l?? &fInformations &a&l??" with lore " &f? &7Nom: &b%{_chunk}%|| &f? &7Camp: &fBlanc|| &f? &7Quantit? de Chefs: &c%{_chef}%|| &f? &7Quantit? de Sous-chefs: &c%{_schef}%|| &f? &7Power: &d%{_power}% power" to be unstealable (, line 292: format slot 11 of player with 1 of paper named "&a&l?? &fInformations &a&l??" with lore " &f? &7Nom: &b%{_chunk}%|| &f? &7Camp: &fBlanc|| &f? &7Quantit? de Chefs: &c%{_chef}%|| &f? &7Quantit? de Sous-chefs: &c%{_schef}%|| &f? &7Power: &d%{_power}% power" to be unstealable') Et voici le code du menu command /menu [<player=%player%>]: usage: /m [Pseudo] &7Ouvre le menus des tps aliases: /m, /s trigger: if command sender is console: wait 1.5 tick open chest with 5 rows named "&a&o≡ &2Faction &a&o≡" to player-arg wait 2 tick set {_var} to -1 loop 45 times: add 1 to {_var} if {_var} isn't 9 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 26 , 27 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 or 35: format slot {_var} of player-arg with 1 of gray stained glass pane named " " to close set {_fp} to getVarYML("infos.faction" , "Faction/players/%player-arg%.yml") set {_campp} to getVarYML("" , "Faction/players/%player-arg%.yml") set {_coinsp} to getVarYML("infos.coins" , "Faction/players/%player-arg%.yml") set {_gfp} to getVarYML("infos.coins" , "Faction/players/%player-arg%.yml") set {_classep} to getVarYML("infos.classe" , "Faction/players/%player-arg%.yml") set {_lvlp} to getVarYML("infos.power" , "Faction/players/%player-arg%.yml") if {_campp} is "black": format slot 11 of player-arg with 1 of black wool named "&a&l«» &fLa Base des Noirs &a&l«»" with lore " |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run "f tp blackbase %player-arg%" if {_campp} is "white": format slot 11 of player-arg with 1 of white wool named "&a&l«» &fLa Base des Blancs &a&l«»" with lore " |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run "f tp whitebase %player-arg%" if {_fp} isn't "aucun": format slot 20 of player-arg with 1 of iron sword named "&a&l«» &fTa Faction &a&l«»" with lore " |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run [execute player-arg command "/f home"] format slot 15 of player-arg with 1 of stone pickaxe named "&a&l«» &fRessource &a&l«»" with lore " &f■ &7Besoin de Ressources?| &7Dans ce monde tu pourras| &7miner, récolter, casser...| | &f■ &7PvP: &cDésactivé| &f■ &7Dégats: &aActivés| &f■ &7Regen: &dToutes les semaines!| |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run "warp ressource %player-arg%" format slot 24 of player-arg with 1 of blaze rod item named "&a&l«» &fNether &a&l«»" with lore " &f■ &7Besoin d'un Nether?| &7Dans ce monde tu pourras| &7miner, récolter, casser...| | &f■ &7PvP: &cDésactivé| &f■ &7Dégats: &aActivés| &f■ &7Regen: &dToutes les semaines!| |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run "warp nether %player-arg%" if {f.door.status} is true: if {_campp} is "black": format slot 33 of player-arg with 1 of wooden door item named "&a&l«» &fPorte Centrale &a&l«»" with lore " |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run "f tp blackdoor %player-arg%" if {_campp} is "white": format slot 33 of player-arg with 1 of wooden door item named "&a&l«» &fPorte Centrale &a&l«»" with lore " |&7&oClique pour t'y tp" to close then run "f tp whitedoor %player-arg%" if {_campp} is "white": set {_campp} to "Blanc" else if {_campp} is "black": set {_campp} to "Noir" else: set {_campp} to "&cAucun" if {_classep} is "aucun": set {_classep} to "&cAucune" else: set {_classep} to "&e%{_classep}% &6LvL&6LvL %{_lvlp}%" format slot 31 of player-arg with 1 of player-arg's skull named "&a&l«» &f%player-arg% &a&l«»" with lore "| &f■ &7Coins: &e%{_coinsp}%| &f■ &7Classe: &e%{_classep}%| &f■ &7Camp: &3%{_campp}%" to be unstealable Merci et bonne continuation
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