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Tout ce qui a été posté par Matyus

  1. Matyus

    Practice (Duel)

    Désoler je suis en retard mais si quelqu'un aurait : RandomSK ! Merci ^^
  2. C'est sa je pense que c'est plus simple de le faire avec WorldGuard
  3. Bonjour j'aimerais que quand je clique sur mon panneau : " Cliquez ici pour entrer " Un block se pose a un endroit pré-définie avec WG. Merci beaucoup
  4. Les CPS Ne s'actualise pas :p dommage
  5. Bonjour comment on ouvre le GUI ?
  6. Matyus

    Aidez moi a corriger

    Command /mdr <text>: usage: &e/mdr <Hulk/Thor/Flash/Superman/Batman> trigger: if player is in world "jail" if arg 1 is "list": message "&6Commande : &e/mdr <Hulk/Thor/Flash/Superman/Batman>" #!==========================!# #! HULK !# #!==========================!# if arg 1 is "Hulk": clear player's inventory execute console command "heal %player%" set hunger to 10 set rf max hp of player to 40 heal the player by 40 hearts wait 1 tick equip player with zombie head equip player with leather chestplate equip player with leather leggings equip player with leather boots dye player's chestplate green dye player's leggings white dye player's boots green apply potion of strength 4 to the player for 300 seconds apply potion of speed 2 to the player for 300 seconds #!=========================================!# #! THOR !# #!=========================================!# if arg 1 is "Thor": clear player's inventory execute console command "heal %player%" set hunger to 10 set rf max hp of player to 30 wait 1 tick equip player with leather helmet equip player with leather chestplate equip player with leather leggings equip player with leather boots dye player's helmet grey dye player's chestplate white dye player's leggings white dye player's boots white apply potion of jump 3 to the player for 300 seconds give player iron axe named "<Yellow><bold>Mjöllnir" #!==========================!# #! FLASH !# #!==========================!# if arg 1 is "Flash": clear player's inventory execute console command "heal %player%" set hunger to 10 set rf max hp of player to 30 wait 1 tick equip player with leather helmet equip player with leather chestplate equip player with leather leggings equip player with leather boots dye player's helmet red dye player's chestplate red dye player's leggings red dye player's boots yellow wait 20 ticks give a redstone torch named "<red><italic>Vitesse" to player set {flash.%UUID of player%} to true apply potion of strength 2 to the player for 300 seconds #!==========================!# #! SUPERMAN !# #!==========================!# if arg 1 is "Superman": clear player's inventory execute console command "heal %player%" set hunger to 10 set rf max hp of player to 30 wait 1 tick equip player with head equip player with leather chestplate equip player with leather leggings equip player with leather boots dye player's chestplate blue dye player's leggings red dye player's boots red give 5 feathers named "<white><italic>Vole" to player apply potion of strength 2 to the player for 600 seconds #!==========================!# #! BATMAN !# #!==========================!# if arg 1 is "Batman": clear player's inventory execute console command "heal %player%" set hunger to 10 set rf max hp of player to 30 wait 1 tick equip player with leather helmet equip player with leather chestplate equip player with leather leggings equip player with leather boots dye player's helmet black dye player's chestplate grey dye player's leggings black dye player's boots black give 10 snowball named "<white><bold>BataRang" to player give 10 egg named "&f&lBataEgg" to player apply potion of strength 2 to the player for 300 seconds #======================# # EVENT THOR # #======================# On rightclick with iron axe: cancel event if player is holding a iron axe named "<Yellow><bold>Mjöllnir": strike lightning at the targeted block #========================================# # EVENT FLASH # #========================================# On rightclick with redstone torch: cancel event if {flash.%UUID of player%} is true: apply speed 6 to player #==========================# # EVENT SUPERMAN # #==========================# On rightclick with feather: push the player upwards push player forwards #==========================# # EVENT BATMAN # #==========================# On damage: if damage was caused by projectile: if projectile is snowball: if victim is a player: poison the victim for 5 seconds On damage: if damage was caused by projectile: if projectile is egg: if victim is a player: slowness the victim for 5 seconds
  7. Matyus

    Erreur plugin skript

    Désinstalle le et réinstalle le :p
  8. Copie sa et c'est bon normalement !
  9. on rightclick on a player: if clicked player has a light green dye named "&aBooster" with lore "&aClic droit pour desactiver" in his inventory: player is holding a light green dye named "&aBooster" with lore "&aClic droit pour desactiver" push clicked player in front of at speed 2 push clicked player upward at speed 2 send "&aTu as été propulsé par %player%" to clicked player send "&aTu as propulsé %clicked player%" to player stop else if clicked player has a gray dye named "Booster desactive" with lore "&aClic droit pour activer" in his inventory: player is holding a light green dye named "&aBooster" with lore "&aClic droit pour desactiver" send "&4Ce joueur a desactive le booster" to player stop else if player is holding a gray dye named "Booster desactive" with lore "&aClic droit pour activer": send "&4Ton booster n'est pas active" to player stop on leftclick: if player is holding a light green dye: player is holding a light green dye named "&aBooster" with lore "&aClic droit pour desactiver" remove all light green dye from the player wait 1 tick give player a gray dye named "Booster desactive" with lore "&aClic droit pour activer" send "&aTu as desactive ton booster" to player stop if player is holding a gray dye: player is holding a gray dye named "Booster desactive" with lore "&aClic droit pour activer" remove all gray dye from the player send "&aTu as active ton booster" to player wait 1 tick give player a light green dye named "&aBooster" with lore "&aClic droit pour desactiver" stop
  10. Met ton code sur : [Contenu masqué] et donne le lien de ton Kobra!
  11. Tu à mis 1 tab en trop à un endroit ducoup tout est beuger!
  12. Matyus

    Caisses avec Clées

    Pas d'erreur mais pas de d'item gagner ni de clée perdu dit moi si il y à des commandes!
  13. Matyus

    Caisses avec Clées

    Oui mais je ne peut pas définir de pourcentage :p
  14. Matyus

    Caisses avec Clées

    Bonjour je cherche une personne qui pourrait m'aider pour un skript ! J'aimerais que lorsque que je fait clique gauche sur un coffre nommée : Crate VIP ! Sa me montre tout les objet que je peut gagner avec le tôt de pourcentage de l'avoir ! En gros un genre de " Casse Opening " J'aimerais que lorsque que je fait clique droit sur un coffre nommée : Crate VIP avec une clées nommées : Clée VIP le coffre s'ouvre et je gagne l'un des loot que je proposée dans le clique gauche ! Merci de m'aider au plus vite ! Je remercie tout personne qui pourrait m'aider !
  15. Matyus

    Besoin d'un Skript BAN

    execute console command "ban %arg-1%" Tu à oublier le / devant ban %arg-1% Et aussi il ne faut pas mettre de - entre arg et 1 sur les deux.
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