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Tout ce qui a été posté par xDragiie_

  1. Bonjour, je suis actuellement entrain de créer un skript de Modération en 1.8 mais j'ai rencontrer un petit soucis, mes commandes ne sont pas détectées par le serveur, je possède les add-ons: SkQuery, skRayFall, TuSKe, WildSkript, skUtilities. Voici un petit extrait de mes commandes: Merci d'avance. command /{@commande_principale} <text> <player>: permission: {@permission_principale} permission message: {@message_permission_refuser} usage: {@usage} trigger: if arg-1 is "on": if arg-2 is not set: set {mod.%sender%} to true set player's game mode to creative set {inventaire.%sender%} to player's serialized inventory wait 3 ticks clear player's inventory wait 1.5 ticks set slot 0 of player's inventory to 1 {@recul_objet1} of knockback 1, unbreaking 100 named "{@recul_nom1}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 {@recul_objet2} of knockback 2, unbreaking 100 named "{@recul_nom2}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 2 of player's inventory to 1 {@randomtp_objet} named "{@randomtp_nom}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 4 of player's inventory to 1 {@invisibilité_objet_on} named "{@invisibilité_objet_on}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 6 of player's inventory to 1 {@gelé_objet_on} named "{@gelé_objet_on}" wait 1 tick send "{@prefix} {@message_on}" to sender if arg-1 is "on": if arg-2 is set: set {mod.%arg-2%} to true set {inventaire.%arg-2%} to arg-2's serialized inventory wait 3 ticks clear arg-2's inventory set arg-2's game mode to creative wait 3 ticks set slot 0 of arg-2's inventory to 1 {@recul_objet1} of knockback 1, unbreaking 100 named "{@recul_nom1}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 1 of arg-2's inventory to 1 {@recul_objet2} of knockback 2, unbreaking 100 named "{@recul_nom2}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 2 of arg-2's inventory to 1 {@randomtp_objet} named "{@randomtp_nom}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 4 of arg-2's inventory to 1 {@invisibilité_objet_on} named "{@invisibilité_objet_on}" wait 1.5 ticks set slot 6 of arg-2's inventory to 1 {@gelé_objet_on} named "{@gelé_objet_on}" wait 1 tick send "{@prefix} {@message_on_player}" to arg-2 if arg-1 is "off": if arg-2 is not set: set {mod.%sender%} to false clear player's inventory wait 3 ticks set player's game mode to survival restore inventory of player from {inventaire.%sender%} send "{@prefix} {@message_off}" to sender if arg-1 is "off": if arg-2 is set: set {mod.%arg-2%} to false clear arg-2's inventory wait 3 ticks set arg-2's game mode to survival restore inventory of player from {inventaire.%arg-2%} send "{@prefix} {@message_off}" to arg-2 if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} {@usage}" to sender if arg-1 is not set: if arg-2 is set: send "{@prefix} {@usage}" to sender
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