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    244 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par MrForoche

  1. Je n'ai pas besoin de son pack , j'ai déjà toutes mes versions à jours.
  2. MrForoche


    MrForoche updated SkPseudoChange with a new update entry: Optimisation ! Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Les regions enters ne marchent pas toujours
  4. On peut faire un truc que quand on a un grade IG on peut l'avoir sur le discord ? @[229:@Polymeth] :p
  5. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Ah .. Je testerai sa une fois sur mon pc , mais je rappelle que je n'est pas ajouté de plugin depuis longtemps et ce problème est là depuis pas longtemps
  6. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Oui mais je renomme quoi ?
  7. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Je te ferrai un paste un autre jour , mais sa vient pas de Sk askip
  8. MrForoche

    Database , help

    J'ai déjà contacter OmgServ , et ils me disent que sa ne vient pas de leurs machines , mais des joueurs , donc chaque joueurs lag chaque 5 min ? xD N'importe quoi ce hebergeur Les timings: [Contenu masqué]
  9. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Up , plz les gens :/ PS: J'ai changer un "monitor interval" et sa n'a strictement rien changé , donc sa vient pas de là
  10. (Urgent) Je cherches qql pour m'aider à faire le système de give de grade avec BuyCraft
  11. Hellow les amis , quelqu'un sait installer BuyCraft ? :D
  12. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Bah je l'utilise jamais , il me qql qui sait comment faire
  13. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Bah moi non plus x)
  14. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Donc le quel ? x)
  15. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Il y a plusieurs "Monitor interval" je dois tout changer ? Puis les "monitor changes" je dois les mettre sur true ?
  16. MrForoche

    Database , help

    Bonjour, Il y a quelques jours et j'avais parlé avec des skripteurs en disant que mon serveur a des coups de lags chaque 5 minutes , et @arthur1337 a vu notre conversation , il m'a contacté en privée et n'a pas répondu a mes questions , c'est pour cela que je suis ici.Voici ce qu'il ma dit: [spoiler=Clique ici] Bonsoir, J'ai vu que vous aviez un problème avec les base de données avec Skript Je vous donne donc une réponse simple ;) Le problème est dû au fait que le délai entre chaque actualisation des variables dans la base de donnée(voir fichier (20sec par défaut)[plugins/skript/] est insuffisant par rapport au nombre de variables à actualiser. Résoudre ce problème (un des choix suivant -> classés par ordre d'efficacité) 1) Ne pas utiliser le fichier (En déclarant la BDD dans les script options) Exemple: Code: script options: $ init com.mysql.jdbc.Driver $ db url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/<database> $ db username 220150828635571 $ db password ******** Cela permettra de faire des requêtes quand c'est nécessaire et non toutes les x secondes. 2) Augmenter le délai entre chaque actualisations (Voir fichier 3) Réduire le nombre de variable (Vous l'avez fait, mais ce n'est pas très efficace.) En espérant vous avoir aidé. Cordialement, - Rush2Fer. Donc je ne comprends pas comment augmenter le délais entre chaque actualisations ou de tout simplement faire ce qu'il ma dit. Mon [spoiler=Clique ici] # __________________________________________________________ # / / / /\ \ # \_\___________________________________________________\_\/ / # / / _____ __ __ / / # / / / ____\ / / /_/ /\ / / # / / / /__ / /___ ___ __ ______ __/ /_ / / # / / \___ \ / __/ / __\ / / / __ //_ __/ / / # / / ____/ / / /\ \ / / / / / /_/ / / / / / # / / \_____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / ____/ /_/ / /__ # / / ========================== / / ========== / / \ \ # | | /_/ | | | | # \_\_________________________________________________\_\_/_/ # # == Introduction == # This file contains Skript's general options. To write scripts, create a new .sk file in the scripts folder or edit any existing one. # # Script files prefixed with a hyphen (-) will not be loaded, e.g. renaming 'plant with' to '-plant with' will disable the whole file. # This can e.g. be used to temporarily disable scripts and is also used for Skript's example scripts. # You can also use the command '/skript enable/disable <script>' to enable/disable a script which will automatically rename it. # # === !!! PLEASE NOTE !!! === # This file, all scripts and other files ending in .sk are NOT .yml/YAML files, but very similar! # Please remember the following when editing files: # - To indent sections you can use spaces like in YAML, but tabs are also allowed. Just remember to stick to the one or the other for a section/trigger. # - '#' starts a comment like in YAML. If you don't want it to start a comment simply double it: '##' (You also have to double these in "quoted text") # - If you use special characters (§, äöü, éèàôç, ñ, etc.) you have to encode the file in UTF-8. # # ==== General Options ==== language: english # Which language to use. Currently english and german are included in the download, but custom languages can be created as well. # Please note that not everything can be translated yet, i.e. parts of Skript will still be english if you use another language. # If you want to translate Skript to your language please read the readme.txt located in the /lang/ folder in the jar # (open the jar as zip or rename it to to access it) check for new version: true # Whether Skript should check for whether a new version of Skript is available when the server starts. # If this is set to true Skript will announce a new version to all players with the "skript.admin" permission. # If set to false you can still check for a new version with '/skript update check'. # Please note that Skript will not detect beta releases even if you are running one as they are not necessarily stable. update check interval: 12 hours # If 'check for new version' is enabled, this sets how often to check for a new update. # A first check will always be made when the server starts, after that checks will be made in intervals set by this option. # Set this to 0 to disable repeated checks, in which case only one check will be made when the server starts. # Please note that this option is currently the only means of making Skript check for an update more than once, # as '/skript update check' does only display the results of the last check if a check has been made before. automatically download new version: false # Whether Skript should automatically download & install the newest version if one is available. # I suggest to disable this feature if your server restarts automatically as you likely won't be informed # of any incompatibilities of your scripts and the newest version of Skript. # If you disable this you can still use '/skript update download' to make Skript download the newest version. # If you're concerned about changes use '/skript update changes' for a full list of changes since your current version. enable effect commands: false effect command token: ! # If 'enable effect commands' is set to true, chat messages starting with the 'effect command token' will be interpreted as effects and executed. # The token can be longer than a single character, but it should not start with '/' as that starts a command. # A player needs the permission "skript.effectcommands" to use such commands, # which does not default to OPs since these commands can do severe damage to the world or crash the server (see below). # Some example commands which can be used if this setting is enabled: # !heal player - heals the player (doesn't do anything if used from the console) # !repair tool - repairs the currently held item # !broadcast "<red>Please read the rules!" - if you want to get rid of the quotes you have to define a custom command # !set time to 6:00 - sets the time in the current world # The command can also be abused, so only give the permission to trusted players, like owners & co-owners: # !spawn 20 ender dragons - will destroy a large part of the world in a short time if no protection is present # !create explosion of force 10000 - likely crashes the server or at least hangs it up for a long time # !ban all players - as the effect implies allow ops to use effect commands: false # Whether server operators which do not have the permission "skript.effectcommands" should have access to effect commands. # This setting is mainly useful for servers that do not run any permissions plugin. use player UUIDs in variable names: false # Whether to use a player's UUID instead of their name in variables, e.g. {home.%player%} will look like # {home.e5240337-a4a2-39dd-8ed9-e5ce729a8522} instead of {home.njol}. # Please note that if this setting is changed old variables WILL NOT be renamed automatically. date format: default # The date format to be used when dates should be displayed. # This can be 'default' to use Java's default date format for the system's language. # The format is that of Java's SimpleDateFormat as defined here: [Contenu masqué] # some examples: # d/M/yyyy h:mm a => 15/7/2012 8:53 PM # dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm => 16.03.2013, 09:33 verbosity: normal # Determines how much info is logged. # Allowed values: low, normal, high, very high, debug # The highest you should go is very high, which prints quite a lot of useful information, # including how much time each trigger takes to execute. # Only use debug if you're programming an add-on for Skript, but even then you might usually not need it. plugin priority: high # Allowed values: lowest, low, normal, high, highest # Change this if you encounter problems with other plugins, e.g.: # - cancelled events: The event is cancelled by another plugin, but Skript handles the event nonetheless => increase priority # (e.g. WorldGuard cancels events if a player doesn't have permission for the given region, # and you made some 'place' triggers which should not bypass WorldGuard's protection) # - effects '(un)cancel event': Another plugin should/should not process the event, but does/does not => decrease priority # - effect 'drop': Another plugin doesn't process added drops => decrease priority # - effects 'remove ... from drops'/'clear drops': Drops added by other plugins are not removed => increase priority # Skript removes drops it shouldn't => decrease priority or specify which item types to remove log player commands: true # Whether Skript should log the usage of custom commands. # They will be logged as [iNFORMATION] in this format: '<player>: /<command> <arguments>' number accuracy: 2 # How many digits should be displayed after the dot at maximum when displaying numbers. # Zeroes will never be displayed at all, so this setting only applies to numbers that actually have a decimal part with one or more non-zero digits. # Money bypasses this setting and is displayed as configured in your economy plugin if you have one. maximum target block distance: 100 # How far to search for a player's targeted block in blocks/meters. # Lower values improve performance, but might reduce the usability of your scripts. # This value is limited by the server (e.g. by 'view-distance' in the, but is guaranteed to work up to 100 meters. case sensitive: false # Whether Skript's functions should be case sensitive or not. # This e.g. applies to the effect 'replace' and the conditions 'contains' and 'is/is not'. # Variable names are case-insensitive irrespective of this setting. disable variable conflict warnings: false # Disables warnings of potential variable name conflicts if set to true. # I recommend to not touch this option, but if you do so you should at least set it back to false # whenever you create new scripts with new variables. # ==== Variables ==== databases: # Databases to store variables in. These can either be used as a simple one-server-storage # where variables are written constantly but only read at server start, # or as a connection between multiple servers by monitoring the database(s) for changes. # # You can define as many databases as you want, just make sure to choose a distinct name for each one, and don't forget to set all options correctly. # # To be able to use a database you'll need to download the plugin 'SQLibrary' from [Contenu masqué] # and install it in your server's plugin directory like other plugins. # # Please note that '/skript reload' will not reload this section, i.e. you'll have to restart Skript for changes to take effect. # Each database definition must be in a separate section. You can choose any name for the sections, as long as it's not already used. database 1: # an example database to describe all possible options. type: disabled # The type of this database. Allowed values are 'CSV', 'SQLite', 'MySQL' and 'disabled'. # CSV uses a text file to store the variables, while SQLite and MySQL use databases, and 'disabled' makes Skript ignore the database as if it wasn't defined at all. pattern: .* # Defines which variables to save in this database. # This pattern uses Regex syntax, e.g. use 'db_.*' (without the quotes) to store all variables prefixed with 'db_' in this database, # or use '.*' (the default value) to store all variables here (recommended for the last database in this list, as otherwise some variables might not be saved). # Please note that variables are only stored in one database, and databases are checked from top to bottom, # e.g. if a variable matches the topmost database's pattern it will be saved there and nowhere else. # BTW: Patterns are checked in a separate thread, i.e. your server likely won't run slower when using complicated patterns. monitor changes: false monitor interval: 20 seconds # If 'monitor changes' is set to true, variables will repeatedly be checked for updates in the database (in intervals set in 'monitor interval'). # ! Please note that you should set 'pattern', 'monitor changes' and 'monitor interval' to the same values on all servers that access the same database! # == MySQL configuration == host: localhost# Where the database server is located at, e.g. '', 'localhost', or '' port: 3306# 3306 is MySQL's default port, i.e. you likely won't need to change this value user: root password: pass database: skript# The database to use. Skript will automatically create a table 'variables21' in this database if it doesn't exist # (If the table exists but is defined differently that how Skript expects it to be you'll get errors and no variables will be saved and/or loaded) # == SQLite/CSV configuration == file: ./plugins/Skript/variables.db # Where to save the variables to. For a CSV file, the file extension '.csv' is recommended, but not required, but SQLite database files must end in '.db' (SQLibrary forces this). # The file path can either be absolute (e.g. 'C:\whatever\...' [Windows] or '/usr/whatever/...' [unix]), or relative to the server directory (e.g. './plugins/Skript/...'). backup interval: 0 # Creates a backup of the file every so often. This can be useful if you ever want to revert variables to an older state. # Variables are saved constantly no matter what is set here, thus a server crash will never make you loose any variables. # Set this to 0 to disable this feature. MySQL example: # A MySQL database example, with options unrelated to MySQL removed. type: disabled# change to line below to enable this database # type: MySQL pattern: synced_.*# this pattern will save all variables that start with 'synced_' in this MySQL database. host: localhost port: 3306 user: root password: pass database: skript monitor changes: true monitor interval: 20 seconds SQLite example: # An SQLite database example. type: disabled# change to line below to enable this database # type: SQLite pattern: db_.*# this pattern will save all variables that start with 'db_' in this SQLite database. file: ./plugins/Skript/variables.db # SQLite databases must end in '.db' backup interval: 0# 0 = don't create backups monitor changes: false monitor interval: 20 seconds default: # The default "database" is a simple text file, with each variable on a separate line and the variable's name, type, and value separated by commas. # This is the last database in this list to catch all variables that have not been saved anywhere else. # You can modify this database freely, but make sure to know what you're doing if you don't want to loose any variables. type: CSV pattern: .* file: ./plugins/Skript/variables.csv backup interval: 0 # PS: If you don't want some variables to be saved in any database (e.g. variables that contain an %entity% which usually despawn when the server is shut down) # you can modify the last database's pattern to not match all variables, e.g. use '(?!x_).*' to match all variables that don't start with 'x_'. # Be very cautious when doing this however as unsaved variables cannot be recovered after the server has been stopped. # I recommend to use a single character to denote unsaved variables (similar to local variables' '_'), e.g. '-', in which case the last database's pattern should be '(?!-).*'. # ==== Settings that should not be changed ==== version: 2.2-Fixes-V8 # DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE MANUALLY! # This saves for which version of Skript this configuration was written for. # If it does not match the version of the .jar file then the config will be updated automatically. Cordialement :)
  17. MrForoche


    Faut que l'apprendre c'est un autre truc ^^' Je sais même plus comment et quand j'ai pu commencer à apprendre le Skript , et je m'en souviens que je galérai bien, j'ai pas envie de retourner dans cette situation
  18. MrForoche


    MrForoche updated SkPseudoChange with a new update entry: Des fautes ? Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. C'est une commande fantome :) Le signe § ne peut pas être écrit dans le tchat donc le joueur peut pas executer la commande en jeu , mais par exemple dans un SK , c'est super utile :)
  20. "if {heal.evolution.av::*} doesn't contains player:" marche po , help :(
  21. Retirer un any move dans un code c'est toujours mieux que rien
  22. MrForoche

    Skrip Rush

    Ta pas mal d'abonnés , mais je cherche plus pour de la publicité vs rush.
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