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  1. j'ai voulue faire des menus avec skript mais il me mette deux erreur que je ne comprend pas command /menu: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "Métier Gratuit" open chest with 3 rows named "Métier Payant" wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with stone named "stone" with lore "Métier Gratuit" to run [make player execute command "/metierg"] format slot 0 of player with stone named "stone" with lore "Métier Payant" to run [make player execute command "/metierp"] command /menug: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "Garagiste" open chest with 4 rows named "Pompier" chest with 5 rows named "Banquier" open chest with 6 rows named "Tueur à Gage" wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with stone named "stone" with lore "Garagiste" to run [make player execute command "/manuadd %playeur% garagiste"] format slot 0 of player with stone named "stone" with lore "Pompier" to run [make player execute command "/manuadd %playeur% pompier"] format slot 0 of player with stone named "stone" with lore "Banquier" to run [make player execute command "/manuadd %playeur% banquier"] format slot 0 of player with stone named "stone" with lore "tueur" to run [make player execute command "/manuadd %playeur% tag"]
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