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Tout ce qui a été posté par TwoostYT

  1. TwoostYT


    Engine je t inviter en ami sur discord
  2. TwoostYT

    [Rp] Probleme skript

    Bonjours , j'ai aussi tuske mais je ne sais pas faire ca serai top si tu pourrai m'aider , car la j'avais 9 erreur et quand j'ai remplacer remove 1 4828 from player par remove 1 of 4828 from players's inventory sa mat monter a 18 eurreur et ca ne marche toujours pas help plz
  3. TwoostYT

    [Rp] Probleme skript

    Version de minecraft / skript : 1.7.10 (CauldronK) Type du skript : Skript de ATM RP Description du script : Bonjour j'ai un skript qui permet d'ouvrir un gui avec un menu pour retirer et deposé de l'argent (argent en item modée) Donc quand je clic sur mon ATM et bien sa ouvre mon gui avec retirer deposé je clic sur déposé et 50 $ mon billet dans mon inv de 50 dollars disparrait et me give 50 $ avec economie de vault et essentials jusque la tout va bien mais apres quand je veux retirer je clic sur le billet de 50 $ et bien sa me retir dans mon /money met sa ne me give pas mon billet C'est pour cela que j'ai besoin d'aide Id de l'ATm (495) Code du skript on rightclick on 495: name of player's tool is "&4Carte Banquaire": cancel event open chest with 1 row named "&7[&6ATM&7] &6Déposer / Retirer" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 389 named "&7&lArgent de ton compte:" to close then run [execute player command "/money"] format slot 3 of player with 4177 named "&7Retirer" with lore "&6Ici tu peut retirer de l'argent" to close then run [execute player command "/§retirer"] format slot 5 of player with 4176 named "&7Déposer" with lore "&6Ici tu peut déposer de l'argent" to close then run [execute player command "/§deposer"] format slot 8 of player with 389 named "&7&lArgent de ton compte:" to close then run [execute player command "/money"] else: cancel event send "[&6ATM&7] &4Il te faut une carte bleue ! Fait la commande /carte-banquaire " command /§deposer: trigger: wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&7[&6ATM&7] &6Déposer" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 5529 named "&7&lDéposer 1$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 1"] format slot 1 of player with 5531 named "&7Déposer 5$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 5"] format slot 2 of player with 5532 named "&7Déposer 10$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 10"] format slot 3 of player with 5533 named "&7Déposer 20$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 20"] format slot 4 of player with 5534 named "&7Déposer 50$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 50"] format slot 5 of player with 5535 named "&7Déposer 100$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 100"] format slot 6 of player with 4828 named "&7Déposer 200$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 200"] format slot 7 of player with 4829 named "&7Déposer 500$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 500"] format slot 8 of player with 4830 named "&7Déposer 1000$" to run [execute player command "/§depose 1000"] command /§retirer: trigger: wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&7[&6ATM&7] &6Retirer" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 5529 named "&lRetirer 1$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 1"] format slot 1 of player with 5531 named "&lRetirer 5$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 5"] format slot 2 of player with 5532 named "&lRetirer 10$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 10"] format slot 3 of player with 5533 named "&lRetirer 20$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 20"] format slot 4 of player with 5534 named "&lRetirer 50$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 50"] format slot 5 of player with 5535 named "&lRetirer 100$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 100"] format slot 6 of player with 4828 named "&lRetirer 200$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 200"] format slot 7 of player with 4829 named "&lRetirer 500$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 500"] format slot 8 of player with 4830 named "&lRetirer 1000$" to run [execute player command "/§retire 1000"] command /§depose <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is "1": if player have 5529: remove 1 5529 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 1" else if player doesn't have 5529: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "5": if player have 5531: remove 1 5531 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 5" else if player doesn't have 5531: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "10": if player have 5532: remove 1 5532 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 10" else if player doesn't have 5532: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "20": if player have 5533: remove 1 5533 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 20" else if player doesn't have 5533: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "50": if player have 5534: remove 1 5534 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 50" else if player doesn't have 5534: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "100": if player have 5535: remove 1 5535 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 100" else if player doesn't have 5535: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "200": if player have 4828: remove 1 4828 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 200" else if player doesn't have 4828: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "500": if player have 4829: remove 1 4829 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 500" else if player doesn't have 4829: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" if arg-1 is "1000": if player have 4830: remove 1 4830 from player execute console command "/eco give %player% 1000" else if player doesn't have 4830: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &4Erreur >> Tu n'a pas le billet de %arg-1%$" command /§retire <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is "1": if player's balance is less than 1: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 4821 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 1" if arg-1 is "5": if player's balance is less than 5: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 5531 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 5" if arg-1 is "10": if player's balance is less than 10: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 5532 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 10" if arg-1 is "20": if player's balance is less than 20: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 5533 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 20" if arg-1 is "50": if player's balance is less than 50: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 5534 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 50" if arg-1 is "100": if player's balance is less than 100: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 5535 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 100" if arg-1 is "200": if player's balance is less than 200: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 4828 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 200" if arg-1 is "500": if player's balance is less than 500: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 4829 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 500" if arg-1 is "1000": if player's balance is less than 1000: message "[&6ATM&7]Tu n'a pas l'argent necessaire" to player stop else: give 4830 to player make console execute command "/eco take %player% 1000" command /carte-banquaire: trigger: if player doesn't have 5536 named "&4Carte Banquaire": open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:14 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6Livraison carte.." to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 35:5 named "&4Livraison" with lore "&7Livraison en cours.." to be unstealable wait 2 second close player's inventory wait 1 ticks send "&7[&6ATM&7] &6Vous venez de recevoir votre carte banquaire !!" give 5536 named "&4Carte Banquaire" to player else: send "&7[&6ATM&7] &6Vous avez déjà une carte de crédit !"
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