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Réputation sur la communauté

1 Neutre

À propos de Corkick

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Visiteurs récents du profil

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  1. Au lieu de le mettre en gamemode 3 tu peux faire ça : hide player to all players Le joueur sera invisible pour tous sauf pour lui. Et pour le rendre visible : reveal player to all players
  2. Salut ! J'ai trouvé la solution par moi même, enfaite cela ne vient pas de Skript mais de MC, lorsque dispenser:2 est posé il est d'abord posé en direction du sud et une fois replacé (testé avec World Edit), il s'oriente au nord donc voici le code : set the block south of event-block to dispenser:2 set the block south of event-block to dispenser:2 Il faut juste écrire le code 2 fois ^^. Voilà merci d'avoir essayé de m'aidé @uiytt !
  3. C'est fait ! Je donnerai la solution si je l'ai.
  4. Corkick

    Skript d'hammeur/dynamite

    on break: if name of player's tool is "&c[&6Hammeur&c]": set {_1.%player%} to location of event-block set {_2.%player%} to location of event-block if player's pitch is between -50 and 50: add 1 to y-coord of {_1.%player%} subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2.%player%} if player's horizontal facing is west or east: add 1 to z-coord of {_1.%player%} subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2.%player%} loop blocks within location at {_1.%player%} to location at {_2.%player%}: id of loop-block isn't 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 138 or 49 or 47 or 52 or 52 or 87 or 0 set {_lol} to loop-block if {_lol} is emerald_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 emerald at loop-block else if {_lol} is redstone_ore_off or redstone_ore_on: set loop-block to air drop 1 redstone at loop-block else if {_lol} is diamond_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 diamond at loop-block else if {_lol} is lapis_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 lapis at loop-block else if {_lol} is coal_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 coal at loop-block else if {_lol} is iron_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 iron_ore at loop-block else if {_lol} is gold_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 gold_ore at loop-block else if {_lol} is nether_quartz_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 nether_quartz_item at loop-block if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1: chance of 3%: drop 1 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2: chance of 3%: drop 2 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3: chance of 3%: drop 3 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 4: chance of 3%: drop 4 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 5: chance of 3%: drop 5 diamond at loop-block else if player's horizontal facing is north or south: add 1 to x-coord of {_1.%player%} subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2.%player%} loop blocks within location at {_1.%player%} to location at {_2.%player%}: id of loop-block isn't 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 138 or 49 or 47 or 52 or 52 or 0 set {_lol} to loop-block if {_lol} is emerald_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 emerald at loop-block else if {_lol} is redstone_ore_off or redstone_ore_on: set loop-block to air drop 1 redstone at loop-block else if {_lol} is diamond_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 diamond at loop-block else if {_lol} is lapis_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 lapis at loop-block else if {_lol} is coal_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 coal at loop-block else if {_lol} is iron_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 iron_ore at loop-block else if {_lol} is gold_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 gold_ore at loop-block else if {_lol} is nether_quartz_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 nether_quartz_item at loop-block if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1: chance of 3%: drop 1 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2: chance of 3%: drop 2 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3: chance of 3%: drop 3 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 4: chance of 3%: drop 4 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 5: chance of 3%: drop 5 diamond at loop-block else: add 1 to x-coord of {_1.%player%} add 1 to z-coord of {_1.%player%} subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2.%player%} subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2.%player%} loop blocks within location at {_1.%player%} to location at {_2.%player%}: id of loop-block isn't 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 138 or 49 or 47 or 52 or 52 or 0 set {_lol} to loop-block if {_lol} is emerald_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 emerald at loop-block else if {_lol} is redstone_ore_off or redstone_ore_on: set loop-block to air drop 1 redstone at loop-block else if {_lol} is diamond_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 diamond at loop-block else if {_lol} is lapis_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 lapis at loop-block else if {_lol} is coal_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 coal at loop-block else if {_lol} is iron_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 iron_ore at loop-block else if {_lol} is gold_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 gold_ore at loop-block else if {_lol} is nether_quartz_ore: set loop-block to air drop 1 nether_quartz_item at loop-block if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1: chance of 3%: drop 1 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2: chance of 3%: drop 2 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3: chance of 3%: drop 3 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 4: chance of 3%: drop 4 diamond at loop-block else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 5: chance of 3%: drop 5 diamond at loop-block
  5. Corkick

    Skript d'hammeur/dynamite

    Essaye loop blocks within location at {_1.%player%} to location at {_2.%player%}: A la place de loop blocks within {_1.%player%} to {_2.%player%}:
  6. Corkick

    Skript d'hammeur/dynamite

    on break diamond ore: cancel event set block to air chance of 50%: drop diamond send "&bGG, vous avez reçu un diamant !" to player else: send "&cVous n'avez pas eu de chance, désolé !" to player Non testé.
  7. Salut, pour un gui de taille 6 : set {_slot} to 0 loop 54 times: set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to {ta variable avec le backpack.%player%} add 1 to {_slot} Taille 5 : 45 Taille 4 : 36 Taille 3 : 27 Taille 2 : 18 Taille 1 : 9 Pour save (si tu n'as pas le code) : on quit: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Backpack": set {_slot} to 0 loop 56 times: set {ta variable avec le backpack.%player%} to slot {_slot} of player's current inventory add 1 to {_slot} close player's inventory on inventory close: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Backpack": set {_slot} to 0 loop 56 times: set {ta variable avec le backpack.%player%} to slot {_slot} of player's current inventory add 1 to {_slot} close player's inventory Et tu changes les loop selon la taille de ton gui.
  8. Pas de problème, merci quand même ! :)
  9. Salut, ça ne fonctionne pas :/ Voici l'erreur :
  10. Corkick

    Skript d'hammeur/dynamite

    Il faudrait rajouter une détection de la bedrock dans les blocs qui sont loop et donc ensuite éviter la destruction de celui-ci. Mais je ne sais pas comment procéder dans ce code.
  11. Corkick

    Skript d'hammeur/dynamite

    Essaye on break bedrock: cancel event
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