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  1. XxSEEDYxX

    Skript d'effet sur item

    Ok merci je testerai ça vendredi car je suis pas chez moi mais j'aimerais aussi que quand un joueur tue un autre joueur après 5 kill il il un "reward bag" comme un kill streak ( sa je sais le tester maintenant )
  2. voilà j'espère que vous saurez m'aider je cherche skript qui renomme des flèches ajoute des particules qui font certains dégâts 1er flèche : 2 dmg 2 flèche : 5 dmg 3 flèche 8 dmg Que quand on arrive dans un monde appelé stil ça nous give 25 flèches 1, 10 flèches 2, 5 flèches 3 et après 5 min celui qui à le plus de kill gagne 5 diam's
  3. XxSEEDYxX

    Familiers en skript ?

    Voilà en 1 heure : command /spawnpet <text>: description: Permet d'invoquer un pet usage: &c/spawnpet &6<Animal> trigger: argument 1 is "creeper": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 creeper at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "sheep": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 sheep at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "pig": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 pig at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "chicken": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 chicken at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "cow": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 cow at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "blaze": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 blaze at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "wolf": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 wolf at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "ocelot": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 ocelot at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "slime": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 slime at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "zombie": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 zombie at the player set {} to true set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" set helmet of the spawned entity to chain helmet add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "skeleton": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 skeleton at the player set {} to true set helmet of the spawned entity to chain helmet set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "bat": spawn 1 bat at the player if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop set {} to true set helmet of the spawned entity to chain helmet set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick argument 1 is "spider": if {} is true: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous avez déja un animal !" stop spawn 1 spider at the player set {} to true set helmet of the spawned entity to chain helmet set name of spawned entity to "%name of player%" add spawned entity to {pet.%player%.follow::*} while spawned entity exists: make spawned entity pathfind to player with speed 1 wait 1 tick command /callpet: trigger: loop {pet.%player%.follow::*}: teleport loop-value to location of player send "&eAnimal > &7Votre animal c'est TP à vous" command /removepet: trigger: if {} is true: loop {pet.%player%.follow::*}: kill loop-value set {} to false send "&eAnimal > &7Votre animal est parti" clear {pet.%player%.follow::*} else: send "&eAnimal > &7Vous n'avez aucun animal" On Entity Target: loop all players: loop {pet.%loop-player%.follow::*}: if event-entity is loop-value: cancel event
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