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  1. LvEnzoBros

    [TuSKe] Item manquant

    Non je n'ai pas d'erreur, la version du serveur est 1.9.4 avec viaversion, la version de Skript est bensku 2.3.6 est et celle de Tuske 1.8.2
  2. Bonjour mon problème est que dans ma gui il manque un peu près tous les items contenu j'espère que vous pourrez m'aider open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&7>> &6Jeux &7<<" to player format gui slot 23 of player with diamond sword named "&6Pvp Pox &3[In Dev]" with lore "&6✪✪✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to do nothing format gui slot 11 of player with red wool named "&6Castle Wars &3[In Dev]" with lore "&6✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to do nothing format gui slot 12 of player with tnt named "&6Tnt fly" with lore "&6✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "TntLobby" format gui slot 13 of player with bed named "&6Faction" with lore "&6✪✪✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "Mfaction" format gui slot 14 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&6Creatif" with lore "&6✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to do nothing format gui slot 15 of player with diamond axe named "&6Survival" with lore "&6✪✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "MSurvival" format gui slot 16 of player with potion named "&6Practice" with lore "&6✪✪✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "PracticeTools" format gui slot 17 of player with iron sword named "&6Rush" with lore "&6✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to do nothing format gui slot 20 of player with sandstone named "&6Hikabrain [✪New✪]" with lore "&6✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to do nothing format gui slot 21 of player with stone sword named "&6Octogone" with lore "&6✪✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to do nothing format gui slot 22 of player with lava bucket named "&6Uhc" with lore "&6✪✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute command "MUhcLobby" format gui slot 24 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 25 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 29 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 30 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 31 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 32 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 33 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 34 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 35 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to run: make player execute "errore" format gui slot 9 of player with grass named "&7Lobby" with lore "&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "Mlobby" format gui slot 18 of player with diamond block named "&cFreeCube" with lore "&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "MCreatif" format gui slot 27 of player with white stained glass named "&cRandom Game" with lore "&a✪ Click to join" to run: make player execute "errore"
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