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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 06/09/21 dans Messages

  1. 1 point
    Tuto: #Que pour toi :p Au debut, tu set une variable sur ton coffre ! Grâce a se code ! command /setChest <text>: permission: Set.Chest trigger: set {chest.%Arg-1%} to location of player Send "&2Tu as Mis Le Chest Numéro %arg-1%" Apres tu te mes a l'endroit ou tu veux ton Chest Et tu fais /SetChest 1 Par exemple ! Pour un Coffre Sans Rien au debut tu Ajoutes chance of 25%: clear all entities set block at {chest.1} to chest Puis entre les Lignes clear all entities |ICI| set block at {chest.1} to chest En gros pour ajouter un objet ^^ add OBJET to inventory of block at {chest.1} Tu rajoutes une ligne Pour ajouter des objets exemples chance of 25%: clear all entities add diamond helmet of protection 4 to inventory of block at {chest.1} add bow of flame 1 to inventory of block at {chest.1} set block at {chest.1} to chest Le skript Du coffre : command /Chest: trigger: chance of 25%: clear all entities add diamond helmet of protection 4 to inventory of block at {chest.1} add bow of flame 1 to inventory of block at {chest.1} set block at {chest.1} to chest add bow of flame 1 to inventory of block at {chest.1} Et le Skript en entier : command /Chest: trigger: chance of 25%: clear all entities add diamond helmet of protection 4 to inventory of block at {chest.1} add bow of flame 1 to inventory of block at {chest.1} set block at {chest.1} to chest add bow of flame 1 to inventory of block at {chest.1} command /setChest <text>: permission: Set.Chest trigger: set {chest.%Arg-1%} to location of player Send "&2Tu as Mis Le Chest Numéro %arg-1%"
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