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SkMinFaction - Syntax

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Je ne sais pas comment remplacer ces deux syntax :

[skellett] (send|show) [a] (1¦subtitle|2¦title) [from] %string% [(with|and) [subtitle] %-string%] (to|for) %players% for %timespan%(,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]in](,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]out]


[skellett] (send|show) %players% [a] (1¦subtitle|2¦title) [(with|from)] %string% [(with|and) [subtitle] %-string%] for %timespan%(,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]in](,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]out]


avec ce code ci :

function FactionPower(faction:text) :: number: if "%{f.list.factions::*}%" doesn't contain "%{_faction}%": return 0 else: set {_p} to 0 loop {f.list.players::*}: if "%{}%" is "%{_faction}%": set {_p} to {f.power.%loop-value-1%} + {_p} return {_p} function BroadCast(p: player, allfaction: boolean, message: text): if {_allfaction} is true: loop all players: if world of loop-player is {@worlds}: if {} is {{_p}%}: message "{@logo} &7%{_message}%" to loop-player send loop-player title "{@logo title}" with subtitle "&7%{_message}%" for 3 seconds play "NOTE_PLING" to loop-player at volume 1 else: message "{@logo} &7%{_message}%" to {_p} send {_p} title "{@logo title}" with subtitle "&7%{_message}%" for 3 seconds play "NOTE_PLING" to {_p} at volume 1


Quelqu'un serait m'aidé s'il vous plaît ?





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