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Invité CleMx

Problème on death

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Invité CleMx

Salut, j'ai un problème à la ligne 53, le else ne s'effectue pas, c'est à dire que ca donne pas les armes à la victime ("shot give %victim% 'arme'")

{mme.status} = si la partie est en cours ou pas.


Code :

on death of player:
   if {mme.status} is set:
       if attacker is a player:
           if victim is a player:
               send attacker title "" with subtitle "&8[&6+10&e$&8]" for 3 seconds
               add 10 to {dollar.%attacker%}
               add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
               set death message to "{@logo} &c%victim%&7 a été tué(e) par &c%attacker%&7."
               add 1 to attacker's level
               clear drops
               wait 5 ticks
               chance of 45%:
                   teleport victim to {spawn.ghost}
               chance of 35%:
                   teleport victim to {spawn.elite}
               chance of 55%:
                   teleport victim to {spawn.1}
               chance of 30%:
                   teleport victim to {spawn.2}
               chance of 5%:
                   teleport victim to {spawn.3}
               chance of 20%:
                   teleport victim to {spawn.4}
               if {classe.%victim%} is "Sniper":
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% hunting"
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
               else if {classe.%victim%} is "Assaut":
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% ak-47"
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
               else if {classe.%victim%} is "Grenadier":
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% bazooka"
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
               else if {classe.%player%} is "Carnage":
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% deagle"
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
               else if {classe.%player%} is "Bouclier":
                   give 1 of iron ingot named "&6Bouclier &8(&7Clique droit&8)" to victim
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                   give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
               else if {classe.%player%} is not set:
                   execute console command "/shot give %victim% type95"
                   give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                   give 1 of potion of healing to victim
               if {team::color::%attacker%} is red:
                   add 1 to {}
               else if {team::color::%attacker%} is blue:
                   add 1 to {}
           if victim is a player:
               if attacker is victim:
                   set death message to "{@logo} &c%victim%&7 est mort."
                   chance of 45%:
                       teleport victim to {spawn.ghost}
                   chance of 35%:
                       teleport victim to {spawn.elite}
                   chance of 55%:
                       teleport victim to {spawn.1}
                   chance of 30%:
                       teleport victim to {spawn.2}
                   chance of 5%:
                       teleport victim to {spawn.3}
                   chance of 20%:
                       teleport victim to {spawn.4}
                   if {classe.%victim%} is "Sniper":
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% hunting"
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                   else if {classe.%victim%} is "Assaut":
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% ak-47"
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                   else if {classe.%victim%} is "Grenadier":
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% bazooka"
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                   else if {classe.%player%} is "Carnage":
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% deagle"
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                   else if {classe.%player%} is "Bouclier":
                       give 1 of iron ingot named "&6Bouclier &8(&7Clique droit&8)" to victim
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% grenade"
                       give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                   else if {classe.%player%} is not set:
                       execute console command "/shot give %victim% type95"
                       give 1 of golden sword of sharpness 50 named "&6Couteau" to victim
                       give 1 of potion of healing to victim


Merci de me répondre rapidement.

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Invité CleMx

Non c'est bon j'ai trouvé le problème je passe le topic en résolu :D

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Et ou se trouve la solution s'il te plait ?...


Ne passez par les topics en résolus si la solution n'y est pas énoncée.

Je te serai donc gré de bien vouloir poster ta solution,



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Invité CleMx

J'ai enlevé les "if victim is a player:" & j'ai mis à la ligne 54 "if attacker is tnt:"

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