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Faire un menu

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Jai un serveur et jai envie de faire un menu jai commencer le début mais sa marche pas et jai pas la fin du skript


command /menu:


permission message: &cTu n'as pas la permissions de faire /menu %player%.


open chest with 5 rows named "&4Menu: %arg 1%"

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C'est bon jai trouver


command /menu:


wait 2 ticks

open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lMenu" to player

wait 1 ticks

format slot 0 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 1 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 2 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 3 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 4 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 5 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 6 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 7 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 8 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 9 of player with 263 named "&a&lSemi-Rp" with lore "&2Clique ici pour ||&2rejoindre le ||&2Semi-Rp" to close then run [make player execute command "/warp Semi-Rp"]

format slot 10 of player with 175 named "&c&lPvp-fac" with lore "&4Clique ici pour ||&4rejoindre le ||&4pvp-faction" to close then run [make player execute command "/warp pvp-fac"]

format slot 11 of player with 322 named "&b&lPrison" with lore "&3Clique ici pour ||&3visiter la ||&3prison" to close then run [make player execute command "/warp Prison"]

format slot 12 of player with 160 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 13 of player with player's skull named "&6Bonjour &c%player% &6!" with lore "&eSur XCubeZ nous sommes le et il est : &7%now%&6. ||&3Bon jeu !" to be unstealable

format slot 14 of player with 160 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 15 of player with 341 named "&bDéconnexion" to close then run [make player execute command "/deconnexion"]

format slot 16 of player with 160 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 17 of player with 399 named "&dAnnuler" to close

format slot 18 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

format slot 19 of player with 160:12 named " " to be unstealable

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Il faut que tu fasse apres trigger

wait 4 ticks

open chest with 5 rows named "&4Menu %player%" to player

wait 2 ticks

Et apres tu met les format slot etc

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