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URGENT!! Arena list in gui

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I am trying toput a arena list in a gui with skript the code is the next:

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When i open it, it make this:


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Hi guys, (But i think you don't are english), I have work on your code :

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Sorry for my english but i'm french and it's a french forum, please, if you are english use a english forum like SkUnity etc.

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It does not work D: IT MAKES THIS:


You mustn't close your GUI when you launch the GUI,

It is now working but i have a problem the name is not a name from the list is all the list

mhhh… Set your list to number (variable.exemple::1 etc.), And if variable.exemple::1 is 1 in list set name of tool to <name of 1 in list> OR identify everything in the variable list and use Expression (please see this with the Documentation of this Forum or the forum : SkUnity)

But, I don't know what you want as skript

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