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  1. Thinqy

    Supprimer un drop

    ca marche merci :) !
  2. Thinqy

    Supprimer un drop

    a la ligne 2
  3. Thinqy

    Supprimer un drop

    drops is not an entity type
  4. Thinqy

    Supprimer un drop

    can't understand this event: 'on drops' J'ai les addons : RandomSk, SKExtras, SkQuery, SkRayFall & WildScript & Umbaska
  5. Thinqy

    Supprimer un drop

    Bonjour a tous! Je m'explique, lorsqu'on rejoint mon serveur on recoit des items mais je voudrais qu'on ne puisse pas drop ces items. Mon code: on join: teleport player to {spawn} set join message to "" clear player's inventory set slot 0 of the player to a book named "&6Edit Kit" set slot 7 of the player to a iron sword named "&7Unranked" set slot 8 of the player to a diamond sword named "&bRanked"
  6. Thinqy

    Charger un kit via un item

    C'est bon, j'ai trouvé par moi même :) !
  7. Thinqy

    Charger un kit via un item

    Non c'est le texte écrit dans la ligne 3 du panneau ^^"
  8. Thinqy

    Charger un kit via un item

    Non mais en fait le systeme c'est que grace a un coffre, ils se stuffent, sauvegardent leur kit sur un panneau et je veux qu'ils puissent load leur kit en faisant clique droit sur un papier. Y'a pas de "nom" pour le kit ^^
  9. Thinqy

    Charger un kit via un item

    Je comprends pas trop ^^ Possible que tu m'insères ce que tu viens de me dire dans mon code ? Merci d'avance :)
  10. Bonjour à tous, Je suis actuellement en train de créer un serveur training mais j'aurais besoin d'aide pour charger un kit via une feuille de papier. Je m'explique : J'ai réussi avec un skript, a sauvegarder et charger son kit en cliquant sur un panneau. [spoiler=Code] options: # --> [POTIONS] <-- Nom stuff: &e&oStuff # --> [ENCHANTEMENT] <-- epee: Sharpness 3 #Mettez "rien" si aucun enchant arc: Power 5 #Mettez "rien" si aucun enchant Casque: Protection 2 #Mettez "rien" si aucun enchant chestplate: Protection 2 #Mettez "rien" si aucun enchant leggings: Protection 2 #Mettez "rien" si aucun enchant boots: Protection 2 #Mettez "rien" si aucun enchant # --> [colorSIGNS] <-- on sign change: if player has permission "sign.color": set line 1 to coloured line 1 set line 2 to coloured line 2 set line 3 to coloured line 3 set line 4 to coloured line 4 on sign change: line 1 is "&7[&6Kit&7]" player doesn't have permission "" cancel event send "&cVous ne pouvez pas faire celà." # --> [KITS] <-- on right click on sign: if line 3 is "&aLe kit": if line 2 is "&aSauvegarder": wait 0.5 tick set {_slot} to 0 loop 36 times: set {Kit.%player%.%line 3%.%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of player's inventory add 1 to {_slot} wait 0.5 tick set {helmet.%player%.%line 3%} to helmet of player wait 0.5 tick set {chestplate.%player%.%line 3%} to chestplate of player wait 0.5 tick set {leggings.%player%.%line 3%} to leggings of player wait 0.5 tick set {boots.%player%.%line 3%} to boots of player send "&aVotre kit a été sauvegarder." if line 2 is "&aCharger": # Copier pour autre panneau restaure mais modifier le "1 " if line 3 is set: wait 0.5 tick set helmet of player to {helmet.%player%.%line 3%} wait 0.5 tick set chestplate of player to {chestplate.%player%.%line 3%} wait 0.5 tick set leggings of player to {leggings.%player%.%line 3%} wait 0.5 tick set boots of player to {boots.%player%.%line 3%} wait 0.5 tick set {_slot} to 0 wait 0.5 tick loop 36 times: set slot {_slot} of player's inventory to {Kit.%player%.%line 3%.%{_slot}%} add 1 to {_slot} send "&aKit reçu !" on right click on chest: loop blocks in radius 3 around event-block: line 2 of loop-block is "{@Nom stuff}" cancel event open chest with 5 row named "" to player wait 1 tick set {casque} to "{@Casque}" set {chestplate} to "{@chestplate}" set {leggings} to "{@leggings}" set {boots} to "{@boots}" set {epee} to "{@epee}" set {arc} to "{@arc}" format slot 0 of player with diamond helmet of {@Casque} to run [give player diamond helmet of {@Casque}] format slot 9 of player with diamond chestplate of {@chestplate} to run [give player diamond chestplate of {@chestplate}] format slot 18 of player with diamond leggings of {@leggings} to run [give player diamond leggings of {@leggings}] format slot 27 of player with diamond boots of {@boots} to run [give player diamond boots of {@boots}] format slot 36 of player with diamond sword of {@epee} to run [give player diamond sword of {@epee}] format slot 1 of player with bow of {@arc} to run [give player bow of {@arc}] format slot 10 of player with arrow to run [give player 64 arrow] format slot 19 of player with ender pearl to run [give player 16 ender pearl] format slot 35 of player with splash Health potion II item to run [give player 373:16421] format slot 44 of player with steak item to run [give player 64 steak] format slot 26 of player with 373:8258 to run [give player 373:8258] format slot 17 of player with 373:8226 to run [give player 373:8226] format slot 8 of player with 373:8259 to run [give player 373:8259] Maintenant, je voudrais charger le kit du joueur via un papier, j'ai testé plusieurs codes mais aucun ne marche, voici un de mes codes: on right click: if player's tool is a paper: if name of player's tool is "&3Kit": clear the player's inventory wait 0.5 tick set helmet of player to {helmet.%player%} wait 0.5 tick set chestplate of player to {chestplate.%player%} wait 0.5 tick set leggings of player to {leggings.%player%} wait 0.5 tick set boots of player to {boots.%player%} wait 0.5 tick set {_slot} to 0 wait 0.5 tick loop 36 times: set slot {_slot} of player's inventory to {Kit.%player%.%{_slot}%} add 1 to {_slot} message "&aKit chargé !" to the player J'espère que vous pourrez m'aider :) Cordialement, Thinqy.
  11. Thinqy

    TABLIST personnaliser :0

    Fonctionne en 1.7.9 Spigot ?
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