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Réputation sur la communauté

4 Neutre

À propos de Forzzen

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  1. Forzzen

    gui qui ne se ferme pas

    Et on peut pas cancel event?
  2. Forzzen

    gui de freeze

    Bonjours, Je fais un gui de skript en 1.9 version dev28. Voici le code: on disconnect: if {freeze.%uuid of player%} is true: cancel event make console execute command "/banip %player% 1200d deconnect en verif" else if {freeze.%uuid of player%} is true: stop on any movement: if {freeze.%uuid of player%} is true: cancel event open chest with 3 rows named "&l&4Tu es freeze!" to player wait 5 tick format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with paper named "&cTu es freeze!" to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with red clay named "&4Je ne cheat pas" to run [make console execute command "/freeze %player% nonavoue" and "/freeze %player% nonavoue" and "/mp %{_/freeze.%uuid of player%}% {@prefix2} &4Le &bjoueur &c%player% &4dit ne pas avoir cheat!"] format slot 11 of player with light green clay named "&2J'avoue mon cheat" to run [make console execute command "/banip %player% 700d cheating avoué"] else if {freeze.%uuid of player%} is false: stop command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]: aliases: /f permission: permission message: {@prefix2} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command! trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "{@prefix2} &4Veuillez préciser le nom du joueur." else if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is not set: if {freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} is set: if {freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} is false: set {_/freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%player%" set {freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} to true send "{@prefix1} &4Vous avez été freeze par &2%player%&4!" to arg 1 open chest with 3 rows named "&l&4Tu es freeze!" to arg 1 wait 5 tick format slot 0 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 1 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 2 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 3 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 4 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 5 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 6 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 7 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 8 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 9 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 10 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 12 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 14 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 16 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 17 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 18 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 19 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 20 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 21 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 22 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 23 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 24 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 25 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 26 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 13 of arg 1 with paper named "&cTu es freeze!" to be unstealable format slot 15 of arg 1 with light green clay named "&4Je ne cheat pas" to run [make console execute command "/freeze %arg 1% nonavoue" and "/mp %{_/freeze.%uuid of arg 1%}% {@prefix2} &4Le &bjoueur &c%arg 1% &4dit ne pas avoir cheat!"] format slot 11 of arg 1 with red clay named "&2J'avoue mon cheat" to run [make console execute command "/banip %arg 1% 700d cheating avoué"] loop all players: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is not "&4unrank": send "{@prefix2} &2%arg 1% &4a été freeze par &2%player%" to loop-players else if {freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} is true: message "{@prefix2} &4Le joueur &2%arg 1% &4est déja freeze!" stop else if {freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} is not set: set {_/freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%player%" set {freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} to true send "{@prefix1} &4Vous avez été freeze par &2%player%&4!" to arg 1 open chest with 3 rows named "&l&4Tu es freeze!" to arg 1 wait 5 tick format slot 0 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 1 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 2 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 3 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 4 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 5 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 6 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 7 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 8 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 9 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 10 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 12 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 14 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 16 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 17 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 18 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 19 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 20 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 21 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 22 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 23 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 24 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 25 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 26 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 13 of arg 1 with paper named "&cTu es freeze!" to be unstealable format slot 15 of arg 1 with light green clay named "&4Je ne cheat pas." to run [make console execute command "/freeze %arg 1% nonavoue" and "/mp %{_/freeze.%uuid of arg 1%}% {@prefix2} &4Le &bjoueur &c%arg 1% &4dit ne pas avoir cheat!"] format slot 11 of arg 1 with red clay named "&2J'avoue mon cheat." to run [make console execute command "/banip %arg 1% 700d cheating avoué"] loop all players: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is not "&4unrank": send "{@prefix2} &2%arg 1% &4a été freeze par &2%player%" to loop-players else if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is "nonavoue": open chest with 3 rows named "&l&4Tu n'avoue pas ton cheat!" to arg 1 wait 5 ticks format slot 15 of arg 1 with light green dye named "&2J'accepte de me faire vérifier." to run [make console execute command "/freeze %arg 1% attente"] format slot 11 of arg 1 with red dye named "&4Je n'accepte pas de me faire vérifier." to run [make console execute command "/banip %arg 1% 1000d refus de vérif"] format slot 0 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 1 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 2 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 3 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 4 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 5 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 6 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 7 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 8 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 9 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 10 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 13 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 12 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 14 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 16 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 17 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 18 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 19 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 20 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 21 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 22 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 23 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 24 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 25 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable format slot 26 of arg 1 with red glass named "&cfreeze" to be unstealable Le problème, c'est que quand la variable {_/freeze.%uuid of arg 1%} est mise pour envoyer des mp a ce joueur via la console, il s'envoie sauf quand: Le joueur freeze fait ECHAP et fait un mouvement ce qui ouvre encore une fois le gui de freeze, mais par la console. Alors je fait un /mp %{_/freeze.%uuid of player%}% (text) pour pouvoir lui envoyer un message juste a celui qui est set a la variable. (dsl si vous comprenez pas) mais le problème c'est que le mp ne s'envoi pas a la personne lié a la variable. Si vous ne me comprenez pas, dit le moi j'essaierais de détailler ou Skype: Nomitix [Leader de Crozium TeamRush,Youtuber]
  3. Forzzen

    gui qui ne se ferme pas

    Et si c'est un coffre, c'est: on chest close: if chest name of player's current chest is "nom de ton inventaire": open chest with machin...
  4. Forzzen

    gui qui ne se ferme pas

    Bonjours, je suis en 1.9 avec dev28 et je cherche a avoir un gui qui ne se ferme pas. Ceci et pour un /freeze, et je veux faire en sorte que le joueur freeze ne puisse pas fermer le gui (pour éviter les bug). Car quand on fait ECHAP , le gui se ferme. Alors je voudrais savoir si l'on peut empêcher le joueur de fermer le gui. Cordialement
  5. Forzzen


    Bonjours, J'ai un skript de report en 1.9 (dev 28) Le voici: command /mreport [<offline player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is "Menace de Hacking": send "{@prefix1}&2Ton report a bien été envoyé!" loop all players: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is not set: stop else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is false: stop else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is true: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is "&4unrank" or "&1&9Builder" or "&l&6Animator" or "&l&4You&l&ftuber": stop else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is "&l&4Administrator" or "&l&2Chief Moderator" or "&l&1Chief Builder" or "&l&aSuper Moderator" or "&l&8Moderator": if {receptreport.%uuid of loop-player%} is not set: stop else if {receptreport.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {receptreport.%uuid of loop-player%} is false: stop else if {receptreport.%uuid of loop-player%} is true: send "&5Le joueur &c%arg 1% &5a été report par &2%player% pour &4%arg 2%" stop Le problème, c'est que peu importe le grade que j'ai ou quoi que ce soit, il y a que le message "ton report a bien été envoyer" qui fonctionne, le reste s'execute pas. Que faut-il changer?
  6. Forzzen

    on walk

    je regarderais et je te dirais
  7. Forzzen

    on walk

    Bonjours Je cherchais a faire un skript qui, quand tu est dans le vide (air), des blocks se posent sous tes pieds, alros j'ais essayer ça: on walk on air: set event-block to dirt Mais ça ne marche visiblement pas, alors comment peut-on faire?
  8. Forzzen

    tablist par monde

    Bonjours, déoler, ce poste était vite fait. Si cous voulez que je détaille: Je veux que quand on fait tab, cela affiche les joueurs du monde de ce dernier, Mais mon probleme, c'est que ça affiche les joueurs de tout le serveur.
  9. Forzzen

    tablist par monde

    Mon problème, c'est que le nom des joueurs ce mettent dans le tab de chaques mondes. options: TabListHaut: "&l&1CrozBlock" TabListBas: "&6Rendez-vous sur le &4site &" prefix: &l&3[ProtectoServ] on any movement: execute console command "/tablist reload" on teleport: execute console command "/tablist reload" on join: execute console command "/tablist reload" on quit: execute console command "/tablist reload" on kick: execute console command "/tablist reload" every 5 tick: execute console command "/tablist reload" command /tablist reload: executable by: console and player permission: permission message: {@prefix} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command! trigger: loop all players in world "lobby1": set tab header to {@TabListHaut} and footer to {@TabListBas} for loop-players if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is "&l&4Administrator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&2Chief Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&1Chief Builder": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&aSuper Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&8Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&9Builder": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&6Animator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&4You&l&ftuber": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&4unrank": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is not set: set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" stop loop all players in world "test": set tab header to {@TabListHaut} and footer to {@TabListBas} for loop-players if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is "&l&4Administrator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&2Chief Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&1Chief Builder": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&aSuper Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&8Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&9Builder": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&6Animator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&4You&l&ftuber": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&4unrank": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is not set: set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%"
  10. Forzzen


    je doit le mettre ou?
  11. Forzzen


    Ca me met toujours les joueurs de tout le serveur
  12. Forzzen


    Bonjour, j'ai un code de tablist: options: TabListHaut: "&l&1CrozBlock" TabListBas: "&6Rendez-vous sur le &4site &" prefix: &l&3[ProtectoServ] on join: execute console command "/tablist reload" on quit: execute console command "/tablist reload" on kick: execute console command "/tablist reload" every 5 tick: execute console command "/tablist reload" command /tablist reload: executable by: console and player permission: permission message: {@prefix} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command! trigger: loop all players: set tab header to {@TabListHaut} and footer to {@TabListBas} for loop-players if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is set: if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%} is "&l&4Administrator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&2Chief Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&1Chief Builder": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&aSuper Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&8Moderator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&9Builder": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&6Animator": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&l&4You&l&ftuber": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.staff.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is "&4unrank": set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" else if {grade.staff.%uuid of loop-players%} is not set: set loop-player tab name to "%{grade.%uuid of loop-player%}% %loop-player%" Mais mon problème est que je n'arrive pas a faire en sorte que la tablist soit pour 1 seul monde (ex: les joueur du world 1 soi afficher quand dans la tablist de world 1 et non de tout les mondes.)
  13. Forzzen

    Entity reload

    Oui j'ai tout
  14. Forzzen

    Entity reload

    J'ai changer et il n'y a pas d'erreur, mais les entité ne se détruisent pas nv code: every 5 tick: if world is "lobby1" or "lobby2" or "lobby3" or "lobby4" or "lobby5" or "lobby6" or "lobby7" or "lobby8" or "lobby9" or "lobby10" or "lobby11" or "lobby12" or "lobby13" or "lobby14" or "lobby15": loop all entities: if loop-value is not a player: kill loop-value
  15. Forzzen

    Entity reload

    Bonjours, j'ai un problème sur mon code: command /entity reload: permission: permission message: {@prefix} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command trigger: loop all entities: loop-entities is not a player: message "{@prefix} &r&4Entity reload!" kill loop-entities en fait, il n'y a aucune erreur, le message s'active mais le problème c'est que les entité ne se kill pas.
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