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  1. Ok merci je penseque que l erreur vien de vehicle button press
  2. Et ça sa marché ? command /ride bat: trigger: spawn a bat at location of player make player ride last spawned bat on death: add 1 to {bat.%player%.variable} make player execute command "/ride bat" make player execute commande "/check" vehicle button press: if event-button is space: push vehicle of player upwards at speed 0.4 if event-button is w: push vehicle of player in the direction of player at speed 0.4 if event-button is a: push vehicle of player to the left at speed 0.1 if event-button is d: push vehicle of player to the right at speed 0.1 if event-button is s: push vehicle of player backwards at speed 0.2 on sneak toggle: if player is riding: kill player's vehicle wait 1 tick make player execute command "/ride bat" on right click with tnt: send "&a3 secondes" to player wait 1 second send "&a2 secondes" to player wait 1 second send "&a1 secondes" to player wait 1 second send "&awooo!!" to player make the player shoot primed tnt at speed 5 command /check: trigger: loop all players: if {bat.%loop-player%.variable} is 5: make player execute command "/loos" else: stop command /loos: trigger: make player execute command "/gamemode 3" make player execute command "/kill"
  3. bonjour est ce que vous pouvez tester mon skript et me dire si il est correcte, si non merci de corriger mes erreur command /ride bat: trigger: spawn a bat at location of player make player ride last spawned bat add 1 to {bat.variable} on vehicle steer: if event-button is space: push vehicle of player upwards at speed 0.4 if event-button is w: push vehicle of player in the direction of player at speed 0.4 if event-button is a: push vehicle of player to the left at speed 0.1 if event-button is d: push vehicle of player to the right at speed 0.1 if event-button is s: push vehicle of player backwards at speed 0.2 on sneak toggle: if player is riding: kill player's vehicle wait 1 tick make player execute command "/ride bat" on right click with tnt: send "&a3 secondes" to player wait 1 second send "&a2 secondes" to player wait 1 second send "&a1 secondes" to player wait 1 second send "&awooo!!" to player make the player shoot primed tnt at speed 5 on right click with stick: wait 1 tick make player execute command "/ride bat" make player execute command "/check" command /check: trigger: loop all players: if loop-player's {bat.variable} is 5 make player execute command "/loos" else stop command /loos: trigger: make player execute command "/gamemode 3" make player execuet command "/kill"
  4. Bonjour je voudrais savoir comment faire pour diriger un mob comme une chauve souris (meme le diriger dans les airs) Merci
  5. CODE: command /guardian: trigger: spawn a horse at player apply invisibility 255 to the spawned horse for 999999999 days equip the spawned horse with saddle make player ride spawned horse wait 1 ticks execute console command /summon Guardian ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:Arrow}} Je pense que sa va marcher mais ce que je veut et qui serais plus simple ces de monter sur le guardian directement.
  6. mais comment a tu fais parce que quand je fait spawn un guardian avec un code skript sa marque internal error un truc comme sa.
  7. bonjour je voudrai savoir comment monter sur un gardien (mob de la 1.8) et pouvoir le diriger comme je veux (si possible le faire voler et tirer des lasers) merci
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