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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 03/31/20 dans Ressources

  1. 1 point

    Version 2.07


    Enhanced error output: Read the file and find the mistake ingame! Autocomplete for Skript: Autocomplete for scripts even in subdirectories! Better colors: Can be partially disabled! Backup System: Create a backup of all scripts withhin milliseconds! Update System: Check for Updates of SkriptEnhanced or Addons (not automatically!) Commands: - /skriptenhanced update > Check for Updates - /skriptenhanced backup > Create a backup of all scripts - /skriptenhanced addons > Check for Updates of Addons (Supports over 120 Addons) Permissions: - skript.admin (or OP) Dependencies: - Skript 2.2-dev37c - skript-mirror 0.19.1 - MundoSK 1.8.6-BETA.55 - PrococolLib If there are any bugs: Contact me on Discord Duetro#3513! This does only work with the english language of Skript!
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