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Problème chest aléatoire

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Bonjour à vous, j'ai un assez gros problème qui m'handicap c'est : J'ai créer mon propre Skript de chest aléatoire qui marche à la perfection mais le souci c'est vu que le tp de se coffre est dans la warzone il spawn a des endroits où un bloc est déjà existant (style de la dirt ou une construction) et donc le coffre casse ce block et spawn à sa place.

Donc je voudrais savoir comment faire pour que ce coffre spawn que aux endroits où il y a de l'espace.

Merci de votre aide


Voici le code que j'ai fait sous fichier et écrit :


# Skript test j.a numéro 2

command /qc:

permission: qc.admin.use


set block at {coffre} to air

set {_nbr} to 1

loop 21 times:

add {_nbr} to {_randomchiffre::*}

add 1 to {_nbr}

set {_x} to random number between -134 and 134

set {_y} to random number between 67 and 75

set {_z} to random number between -134 and 134

set {coffre} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z}

set block at {coffre} to chest

broadcast "&7[&6Annonce&7] Un coffre de loot à spawn en %{coffre}%"

chance of 85%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 diamond to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 50%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 apple to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 50%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 iron ingot to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 25%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 golden apple to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 20%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 diamond sword to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 20%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 diamond chestplate to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 20%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 diamond leggings to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 20%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 diamond Helmet to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 20%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 diamond Boots to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

chance of 20%:

set {_random} to a random element out of {_randomchiffre::*}

set {_ra} to a random integer between 1 and 10

loop {_ra} times:

add 1 Bottle o' Enchanting to slot {_random} of block at {coffre}

remove {_random} from {_randomchiffre::*}

clear {_randomchiffre::*}

clear {_random}

clear {_ra}

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Donc sa donne ça ? :



permission: qc.admin.use


set block at {coffre} to air

set {_nbr} to 1

loop 21 times:

add {_nbr} to {_randomchiffre::*}

add 1 to {_nbr}

set {_x} to random number between -134 and 134

set {_y} to random number between 67 and 75

set {_z} to random number between -134 and 134

set {coffre} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z}

Loop blocks above {coffre}:

if loop-block isn't air:

set {coffre} to loop-block's location

set block at {coffre} to chest

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